Be sure that there are ways to manage stress, although most of us think that that’s impossible, especially when working in the customer service industry.
Day by day, professionals that work in the customer service industry must cope with different situations due to the fast-paced environment.
So, understanding how to cope with stress is essential, therefore, let’s find out the ways to manage stress in your workplace!
#5 Improve or Change Your Lifestyle
Customer service representatives are known for having a sedentary lifestyle. This means that they spend their working hours mostly on their desks and hardly get to do anything else.
In the long term, this lifestyle can have devastating effects on your mental well-being as well as on your body.
Long hours of sitting can lead to an array of health concerns, including:
- Abnormal cholesterol levels
- Increased blood pressure
- Obesity
- Diabetes
- Etc.
According to a study, the average sitting time you should have per day is around 4 hours. Everything more than that is risky.
Along with these concerns, stress is known for doubling everything. So, the best thing you can do is to hit the gym or go for a walk.
For instance, a quality workout improves your mood and boosts your endorphin levels. In short, “endorphins” are responsible for making you “feel good”. That’s why, we recommend you plan your time in advance, drink water, and avoid too much caffeine/nicotine intake.
These things combined will greatly affect your mood, and prevent you from feeling anxious. As a plus, the impact can greatly improve your productivity and the way you handle stress will be a lot easier.
#4 Practice Positive Thinking
Positive thinking is a great attitude that will help you a lot in order to cope with stress. Yes, after all, we are humans and most of the time this seems harder than ever. But, that doesn’t necessarily mean that you can’t stay positive, right?
Positive thinking is a great attitude that will help you a lot in order to cope with stress. Yes, after all, we are humans and most of the time this seems harder than ever. But, that doesn’t necessarily mean that you can’t stay positive, right?
There are numerous techniques to accomplish this. For example, you can try out:
- Deep breathing
- Meditation
- Avoid gossiping
- Stop polarizing, and looking at things only as good or bad
- Introduce more humor to your daily life
Remember: laughter and positivity are the best medicines and ways to manage stress, so why not introduce them more into your life? Additionally, a positive attitude leads to a positive customer experience!
#3 Create a Work – Life Balance
Once you read this, at first, you will hardly think that this can help you in dealing with stress. Well, “at first”, yes, but you should take a look in-depth.
Namely, once you’re at work, try to stay focused and don’t mix your private life with your business life. Why? Because things happen, and you can get angry because of a massage, or by hearing bad news.
Oh, and vice-versa, of course. The whole point of “making a balance” is to find a middle ground that won’t exhaust you emotionally.
For instance, while working, try to minimize your distractions as much as possible, and once you’re at home, do the same. This can include avoiding opening personal e-mails while working, and business e-mails while at home. Just set your boundaries.
Your main topic once you’re home is not to keep talking about your work. Instead, try to introduce some new activities, find new hobbies, or simply do what you love the best.
By doing this, you won’t be that stressed while working, or while doing ordinary stuff outside of your working hours. Trust us, it helps a ton, and this is one of the ways to manage stress efficiently!
#2 Identify Your Stressors
What are the main stressors that impact your mental health at your workplace? Have you already found any? Hold on for a second.
Now, maybe you’re in a position where everything frustrates you, that’s expected, honestly. After prolonged work and dedicating yourself 100% while doing the job, the side effects are many.
One of them is patience, and unfortunately, you definitely have to be patient, because most of the time you’re dealing with angry customers.
That’s why, a great idea is to write down your stressors, one by one and after that, try to keep calm as much as possible.
This little trick can save you a lot of energy, and patience and prevent you from feeling frustrated.
The whole point of coping with stress is to know what stresses you the most. Once you accomplish this, these notes can help you remove each of those stressors and the way you react to them.
#1 Don’t Take Customer Frustrations Personally
Even the most frustrated customer you’ve met has a soft place in his/her out there. The current frustration is just an instant reflex that something got wrong. That can happen even to the best of us, even to you.
After all, we are all humans, and we are led by emotion, whether that’s a positive or a negative one.
As a customer representative, you have to be more than a professional, because that’s why makes you a unique employee in the business world.
The best thing you can do is to always keep calm, maintain a positive tone, and once the customer vents him/herself, you shouldn’t stay angry at all.
Make a pause, focus on different things, and understand that positive and negative things are part of everyone’s daily work.
This doesn’t necessarily mean that your day should be fully ruined if you’ve encountered a negative scenario. Once you learn how to do this, be sure that this will be the time you’ve learned a new skill as a customer support rep!
We hope that you’ve found these ways to manage stress helpful, and if that’s the case, then do not hesitate to follow us in the future as well! Also, what are your ways of dealing with stress at your workplace? Tell us in the comment section down below!
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